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Get started with Linkedin Live Events

Linkedin live events

What are Linkedin Live Events?

Launched in December 2021, Linkedin Live Events give you the “reach and engagement of Linkedin Live with the planning and targeting of Linkedin Events”.

Essentially you are able to host a live event on Linkedin (or through a third party platform), promote the event using Linkedin’s organic and paid features, and maximise the value you get from hosting such an event.

What are the benefits of Linkedin Live Events?

Run through your business page, Linkedin Live Events are ideal for panel discussions, product launches, webinars and training sessions.

They allow for audience participation too so they’re a great way to gather feedback and audience insights, but also for building a sense of community that will lead to your audience coming back for more.

Your event will be recorded and posted to your business page once, too, so you’re creating long term content from a one time event. In an age of maximising the value from all your content, that’s a great bonus.

While you might prefer to maximise attendance and allow anyone to join your event without signing up, you can even gate your event and collect leads using a registration form. This means you know exactly who is attending your event which is not only vitally helpful information but is truly valuable in further marketing efforts. Linkedin allows you to export this data to your CRM or other marketing platforms allowing you to continue to retarget a pre-qualified audience.

Promoting your Linkedin Live Event

With 1000 event invites each week, you have an opportunity to invite all your followers. For those with substantial followings, be sure to set up your event far in advance so you can maximise these invites.

Linkedin allows you to target your event for free. Using organic post targeting to define your audience so only those in your selection will see your event promotion in their feeds (they’ll still be discoverable to everyone though). According to Linkedin this allows you to benefit from viral engagement in the same way as any organic post.

Promote it with ads. Just like you can boost a post, Linkedin allows you to amplify your event by using the Event Ad format. Great for those who haven’t built up a large following yet or who are targeting a new audience.

Getting extra from of your Linkedin Live Event

Linkedin provides useful analytics data on your event and it’s promotion. Optimise future events by understanding your campaign performance and audience data.

Share the recording. Repurpose your live stream as a video post or even share it within your newsletter for those who couldn’t make the live event.

Is it for me?

Whether you're developing new technologies or finding new approaches to running a business in your industry, Linkedin Live Events are an opportunity to show industry leadership and build your reputation in new ways.

Finding an angle that works for you will be the same as any content format, it's about identifying your business and marketing goals with the opportunities in front of you. If you need a hand with that, we're here to help.

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